Wheel of the Year


It is with much regret that I have to announce that there will not be a calendar for 2009/2010.


There are two reasons behind this:

1) We had a baby boy born in March 2009. He was very poorly at birth (see here) but is now recovering well; he and my wife are the centre of my world right now.

2) The calendar was a great success in terms of joy to make, to see it for real, and the reactions of everybody who saw it and purchased one (or more). Sadly I made a loss of about £2,000, something which I can't afford to do gain. I need to consider ways to move this forward and will do my utmost to get one ready for 2010/2011


My thanks for the many kind words, encouragement and ideas from everybody I've encountered through this very personal project. Special mentions to Graham, Marcus, Debra, George & Marion and especially my wife Sarah, and my sister Anne; without your support it would never have been.






What is the Wheel of the Year?

Wheel of the Year Logo

The Wheel of the year describes the cycle of the seasons; spring, summer, autumn, winter and round they go again, a continuous cycle, just like the rolling of a wheel.


The wheel is traditionally made up of eight celebrations; the names vary depending upon the source, be it celtic, wiccan, druidic, pagan, etc, but they are generally equivalent.


There are four solar festivals (the two solstices and two equinoxes), the remaining four sit between the solar festivals and are referred to in some quarters as fire festivals.






Winter Solstice

19-23 Dec


1 Feb

Spring Equinox

20-23 Mar


1 May

Summer Solstice

19-23 June


1 Aug

Autumn Equinox

19-23 Sep


31 Oct

Samhain: The Wheel of the Year begins and ends with Samhain (pronounced sow-en) the last harvest festival; it is a time of remembrance, when the veil between the worlds of life and death is but a breath away (today it is more commonly known as Halloween). It is a time of endings and new beginnings, a time to reflect and give thanks for the gifts of the past year and its accomplishments.


Winter Solstice: On this night, darkness reigns for its longest time; the coming dawn heralds the return of light and warmth as the suns power starts to grow once again. Hope, light, life, transformation and rebirth; just a few of the many ways that power begins to reassert itself in our lives.


Imbolc: Pronounced "Im-olk", we celebrate the awakening of the land. The goddess is renewed and welcomed back; in Britain, snowdrops show their faces and bathe in the power of the strengthening sun, seeds begin to transform and trees start to draw on the life energies stored by the earth. Its a time of purification, the clearing of doubts and negative energies that we allow to hold us back; traditionally, this is a time of initiations and of personal dedications to spiritual growth.


Spring Equinox: This is a day of equilibrium, light and dark in balance. Spring flowers come to life as we rejoice in its renewal.


Beltain: Pronounced "Bel-tain". As the wheel turns, spring gives way to the full bloom of summer and the power of light. A time of fertility; a time of union between the Goddess and the God, of man and woman. Handfastings are common at this time, vows of commitment, the celebration of union, the coming together of masculine and feminine creative energies.


Summer Solstice: The sun god is at the height of his powers, reigning over the earth for the longest time on this day. Crops are mature, a time of plenty and celebration; of successes, achievements, of health and happiness.


Lughnasadh: Pronounced "Loo-nasah", the first harvest festival; it is the time of the corn harvest, celebrating the fruits of the bountiful earth, a time for reunions with friends and family.


Autumn Equinox: the second harvest festival; again, nature is in balance, but the sun god is in decline. A time to reap what has been sown and giving thanks for that which has been provided. A time for finishing up old projects and plans, meditation and contemplation looking back over the past year; leaves drop and the life force returns to the mother earth. A time to take a breath after the work of the harvest, celebrate and honour those around us and their contributions.


And the Wheel turns...



These festivals can be celebrated over more than one day, but generally from the evening of the day before through to the morning of the actual day; Therefore I have listed the celebrations between the two days in the calendar and planners.



For an excellent source of pagan related festivals, dates, events, zodiac and planetary transition times etc, go to http://www.pagancalendar.co.uk



The Pagan Federation: http://www.paganfed.org/pagan-wheel.php

The White Goddess: http://www.thewhitegoddess.co.uk/

Gais Garden: http://www.gaias-garden.co.uk/

Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wheel_of_the_Year








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